Welcome to the documentation for Ow-API! You can use our API to access Overwatch stats for players.
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"icon": "",
"name": "cats",
"level": 100,
"levelIcon": "",
"prestige": 2,
"prestigeIcon": "",
"rating": "1896",
"ratingIcon": "",
"gamesWon": 734,
"quickPlayStats": {
"eliminationsAvg": 11.77,
"damageDoneAvg": 5358,
"deathsAvg": 5.88,
"finalBlowsAvg": 5.6,
"healingDoneAvg": 1100,
"objectiveKillsAvg": 4.29,
"objectiveTimeAvg": "00:32",
"soloKillsAvg": 1.67,
"games": {
"played": 0,
"won": 716
"awards": {
"cards": 427,
"medals": 3487,
"medalsBronze": 1207,
"medalsSilver": 1186,
"medalsGold": 1094
"competitiveStats": {
"eliminationsAvg": 22.25,
"damageDoneAvg": 12056,
"deathsAvg": 9.76,
"finalBlowsAvg": 11.76,
"healingDoneAvg": 2392,
"objectiveKillsAvg": 9.82,
"objectiveTimeAvg": "01:10",
"soloKillsAvg": 2.53,
"games": {
"played": 39,
"won": 18
"awards": {
"cards": 17,
"medals": 108,
"medalsBronze": 40,
"medalsSilver": 36,
"medalsGold": 32
This endpoint retrieves stats commonly used by bots and other services.
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
platform | The game platform (pc, etc) |
region | The game region (us, eu, asia) |
battletag | Your battlenet tag, replacing the # with a - |
Complete stats
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"icon": "",
"name": "cats",
"level": 100,
"levelIcon": "",
"prestige": 2,
"prestigeIcon": "",
"rating": "1896",
"ratingIcon": "",
"gamesWon": 734,
"quickPlayStats": {
"eliminationsAvg": 11.77,
"damageDoneAvg": 5358,
"deathsAvg": 5.88,
"finalBlowsAvg": 5.6,
"healingDoneAvg": 1100,
"objectiveKillsAvg": 4.29,
"objectiveTimeAvg": "00:32",
"soloKillsAvg": 1.67,
"games": {
"played": 0,
"won": 716
"awards": {
"cards": 427,
"medals": 3487,
"medalsBronze": 1207,
"medalsSilver": 1186,
"medalsGold": 1094
"topHeroes": { ... },
"careerStats": { ... }
"competitiveStats": {
"eliminationsAvg": 22.25,
"damageDoneAvg": 12056,
"deathsAvg": 9.76,
"finalBlowsAvg": 11.76,
"healingDoneAvg": 2392,
"objectiveKillsAvg": 9.82,
"objectiveTimeAvg": "01:10",
"soloKillsAvg": 2.53,
"games": {
"played": 39,
"won": 18
"awards": {
"cards": 17,
"medals": 108,
"medalsBronze": 40,
"medalsSilver": 36,
"medalsGold": 32
"topHeroes": { ... },
"careerStats": { ... }
This endpoint retrieves all profile data, including top heroes and career stats. It is a VERY heavy endpoint, and should only be used when you need all stats. Data returned is most of the time around 100KB.
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
platform | The game platform (pc, etc) |
region | The game region (us, eu, asia) |
battletag | Your battlenet tag, replacing the # with a - |
Specific heroes
The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"icon": "",
"name": "cats",
"level": 100,
"levelIcon": "",
"prestige": 2,
"prestigeIcon": "",
"rating": "1896",
"ratingIcon": "",
"gamesWon": 734,
"quickPlayStats": {
"eliminationsAvg": 11.77,
"damageDoneAvg": 5358,
"deathsAvg": 5.88,
"finalBlowsAvg": 5.6,
"healingDoneAvg": 1100,
"objectiveKillsAvg": 4.29,
"objectiveTimeAvg": "00:32",
"soloKillsAvg": 1.67,
"games": {
"played": 0,
"won": 716
"awards": {
"cards": 427,
"medals": 3487,
"medalsBronze": 1207,
"medalsSilver": 1186,
"medalsGold": 1094
"topHeroes": { ... },
"careerStats": { ... }
"competitiveStats": {
"eliminationsAvg": 22.25,
"damageDoneAvg": 12056,
"deathsAvg": 9.76,
"finalBlowsAvg": 11.76,
"healingDoneAvg": 2392,
"objectiveKillsAvg": 9.82,
"objectiveTimeAvg": "01:10",
"soloKillsAvg": 2.53,
"games": {
"played": 39,
"won": 18
"awards": {
"cards": 17,
"medals": 108,
"medalsBronze": 40,
"medalsSilver": 36,
"medalsGold": 32
"topHeroes": { ... },
"careerStats": { ... }
This endpoint retrieves all profile data, including top heroes and career stats. You may specify which heroes you want data on.
HTTP Request
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
platform | The game platform (pc, etc) |
region | The game region (us, eu, asia) |
battletag | Your battlenet tag, replacing the # with a - |
heroes | Comma separated list of hero names |
Name |
bastion dVa genji hanzo junkrat lúcio mccree mei mercy orisa pharah reaper reinhardt roadhog soldier76 sombra symmetra torbjörn tracer widowmaker winston zarya zenyatta
Ow-API uses the following error codes:
Error Code | Meaning |
400 | Bad Request – Your request sucks |
404 | Not Found – The specified profile could not be found |
406 | Not Acceptable – You requested a format that isn’t json |
500 | Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later. |